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Leadership Education and Academic Resource Network



LEARN is a non-profit educational company which promotes education around the world Our vision is to see people reach their full potential and live life to the fullest We believe every person has great worth and should have the opportunity to thrive.

We Rethought Everything

About Us:

L.E.A.R.N. is a U.S.A.-based non-profit company that strives to make the world a better place by giving greater opportunity for leadership and education development to the world. We believe in the importance of providing not only literacy but life and leadership skills to all who are interested.

Our Services

Leadership Training:

Leadership skills enable people to make changes necessary for a better world—for themselves and for their communities. Knowing the foundational value of leadership, LEARN has chosen to make leadership training a key emphasis of what we do.

Our most popular course on leadership, “Leadership 101”, covers the basics of leadership.

We also train leaders on a full gamut of topics, formatting each course or seminar to the context of those being trained. Relevance is huge to us.

Teacher Training:

Helping teachers to perform their best increases the quality of life for teachers and for students. When teachers are at the top of their game, everyone wins. Schools function with pride, excellence, and a positive atmosphere. Teachers enjoy teaching and are energized—not drained—by their interactions with students. Students learn more, perform better on tests, and enjoy themselves.

We can tailor teacher training seminars to meet the needs of your school, teachers, and students. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following: qualities of an effective teacher, classroom management, behavior management, styles of learning, hands-on learning, thematic teaching, differential instruction, multiple intelligences, technology in the classroom, specific academic subjects (i.e., phonics, maths), special education and inclusion.

Educational Material Development

LEARN has developed educational materials for teaching language and other learning skills. We plan to continue to develop educational literature, particularly for special needs children.

Communication Training:

Living life to the fullest involves the ability to communicate effectively in different environments. LEARN offers several different types of communication training.

American English – Many around the world desire to learn American English as a means to better their lives. Being able to converse in American English opens opportunities for better employment.

Public Speaking – The ability to speak well publicly is vital for many professions. This skill can be learned. LEARN’s public speaking course teaches people how to give a speech in front of a crowd and provides students opportunities to do so.

English Conversation – Hands-on opportunities for conversing in American English with native American speakers gives many a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Special Education

Special needs often hinder children from learning in typical environments. LEARN believes all children should have the opportunities to learn in ways appropriate to their unique learning styles.

LEARN provides:

• Specialized Teacher training

• One-on-one training using speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and ABA.

• Workshops for parents of children with special needs.

Literacy Development

LEARN seeks to partner with other organizations in the eradication of illiteracy around the world. Every person should be given at least the opportunity of learning to read and communicate via written words.


LEARN welcomes volunteers for short periods of time or long, depending on what you are able to give. We currently need help in the following areas:

• English language learning and conversation
• special needs assistance
• literacy development
• economic development

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